Post card of the Post Office and Court House Columbus, Georgia No. 59. No. 31900N. Its broad streets and avenues lined with stately trees, its special squares for churches, courthouse and other public purposes, the vast number of street parks-all…
Two post cards of the Post Office, Columbus, Ga., No. 6 A-H. No. 2698, No. 14. Message on back: Valentine Showcase, The Price is Wright P.O. Box 142, New York 46. N.Y., Candy 8.50, Necklace 350.50, Compact 35.00, Music Box 25.00, Fur Coat 2500.00,…
Post card of the Post Office, Columbus, GA. No. G13548. Message on back: Mr. George L. Revaleon, 31 Circuit St., Roxbury Mass. , Dear friend George, We arrived here Friday evening. It is somewhat cooler than Tampa. This is Confederate Memorial Day…